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Range Aggregate Processing in Spatial Databases

Range Aggregate Processing in Spatial Databases Yufei Tao and Dimitris Papadias Abstract—A range aggregate query returns summarized information about the points …

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A scalable algorithm for maximizing range sum in spatial databases

A scalable algorithm for maximizing range sum in spatial databases. A scalable algorithm for maximizing range sum in spatial databases. Chin-Wan Chung. 2012, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. See Full PDF Download PDF.

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Approximately processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial

A revised version of regular polygon-based search algorithm RPSA is applied to approximately search aggregate range query results over remote spatial databases and results show that precision is over 0.97 with regard to sumrange query results and NOR is at most 4.3. Processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial databases …

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Authenticated indexing for outsourced spatial databases

In spatial database outsourcing, a data owner delegates its data management tasks to a location-based service (LBS), which indexes the data with an authenticated data structure (ADS). The LBS receives queries (ranges, nearest neighbors) originating from several clients/subscribers. ... Range aggregate processing in spatial databases Author(s ...

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Analyzing the performance of NoSQL vs. SQL databases for Spatial …

Relational databases have been around for a long time and spatial databases have exploited this feature for close to two decades. The recent past has seen the development of NoSQL non-relational databases, which are now being adopted for spatial object storage and handling, too. While SQL databases face scalability and agility challenges …

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Range aggregate processing in spatial databases

A range aggregate query returns summarized information about the points falling in a hyper-rectangle (e.g., the total number of these points instead of their concrete ids). This paper studies spatial indexes that solve such queries efficiently and proposes the aggregate Point-tree (aP-tree), which achieves logarithmic cost to the data set …

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Efficient Approximate Range Aggregation over Large …

Range aggregation queries over spatial data returns sum-marized information about the spatial objects falling within a spatial range speci ed as either a circle or a rectangle [1], …

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Range aggregate processing in spatial databases | IEEE …

This paper studies spatial indexes that solve such queries efficiently and proposes the aggregate Point-tree (aP-tree), which achieves logarithmic cost to the data set cardinality (independently of the query size) for two-dimensional data.

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Approximately processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial

Processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial databases suffers from accessing huge and/or large number of databases that operate autonomously and simple and/or restrictive web API interfaces.

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U of M CSCI 8715

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING VOL 16 NO 12 DECEMBER 2004 1555 Range Aggregate Processing in Spatial Databases Yufei Tao and Dimitris Papa ... CSCI 8715 - Range Aggregate Processing in Spatial Databases School name University of Minnesota- Twin Cities ...

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Approximately processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial

Processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial databases suffers from accessing huge and/or large number of databases that operate autonomously and simple and/or restrictive web API interfaces. To overcome these difficulties, this paper applies a ...

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Range Aggregate Processing in Spatial Databases

A range aggregate query returns summarized information about the points falling in a hyper-rectangle (e.g., the total number of these points instead of their concrete ids). This …

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Range aggregate processing in spatial databases

Figure 2.1: The aR-tree - "Range aggregate processing in spatial databases"

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Probabilistic Maximum Range-Sum Queries on Spatial Database

Maximum Range-Sum (MaxRS) query is an important operator in spatial database for retrieving regions of interest (ROIs). Given a rectangular query size a × b and a set of spatial objects associated with positive weights, MaxRS retrieves rectangular regions Q of size a × b, such that the sum of object weights covered by Q (i.e., range …

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Efficient processing of all neighboring object group queries …

We present a new type of location-based queries, namely the Budget Range-based All Neighboring Object Group Query (BR-ANOGQ for short), to offer spatial object information while respecting distance and budget range constraints. This query type finds utility in numerous practical scenarios, such as assisting travelers in selecting …

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Efficient Maximum Range Search on Remote Spatial Databases …

Assuming k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) queries [5],[6] are Web API interfaces available for processing aggregate range queries, RPSA requests a series of k-NN queries to obtain aggregate range query results. ... p. 820-833 [15] Liu, D., Lim, E., Ng, W., 2002. “Efficient k-nearest neighbor queries on remote spatial databases using …

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sbm/sbm range aggregate processing in spatial databases…

Contribute to dihog/sbm development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Range aggregate processing in spatial databases

Figure 5.3: Node accesses vs. query length qL (non-uniform) - "Range aggregate processing in spatial databases"

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[PDF] Range aggregate processing in spatial databases

This paper studies spatial indexes that solve such queries efficiently and proposes the aggregate Point-tree (aP-tree), which achieves logarithmic cost to the …

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Predicted Range Aggregate Processing in Spatio-temporal Databases

A novel accurate prediction index technique, named PRA-tree, is presented, which takes into account both the velocity and space distribution of moving objects and is supplemented by a hash index on IDs ofMoving objects, thus having a good dynamic performance and concurrency. Predicted range aggregate (PRA) query is an important researching issue …

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Aggregate keyword routing in spatial database | DeepDyve

Aggregate Keyword Routing in Spatial Database Kunjie Chen Fudan University Shanghai, China Weiwei Sun Fudan University Shanghai, China Chuanchuan Tu Fudan University Shanghai, China [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Chunan Chen Yan Huang Fudan University Shanghai, China …

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Efficient Approximate Range Aggregation over Large …

spatial range specified as either a circle or a rectangle [1], which are fundamental queries for various big spatial data applications. There is a growing trend for the service provider of these applications to operate on a data federation [2], ... "Range aggregate processing in spatial databases, ...

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Approximate MaxRS in spatial databases | Proceedings of …

In the maximizing range sum (MaxRS) problem, given (i) a set P of 2D points each of which is associated with a positive weight, and (ii) a rectangle r of specific extents, we need to decide where to place r in order to maximize the covered weight of r - that is, the total weight of the data points covered by r.Algorithms solving the problem exactly entail …

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Approximate search algorithm for aggregate k-nearest …

Sato H Narita R (2018) Approximately processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial databases International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 10.1504/IJKWI.2013.060275 4:4 (314-335) Online publication date: 13-Dec-2018

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Algorithms for Range-Aggregate Query Problems Involving …

We consider variations of the standard orthogonal range searching motivated by applications in database querying and VLSI layout processing. In a generic instance of …

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Optimizing storage utilization in R-tree dynamic index …

Range Aggregate Processing in Spatial Databases. A range aggregate query returns summarized information about the points falling in a hyper-rectangle (e.g., the total number of these points instead of their concrete ids). This paper studies spatial indexes that solve such queries efficiently and ...

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Approximately processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial

Processing aggregate range queries on remote spatial databases suffers from accessing huge and/or large number of databases that operate autonomously and simple and/or restrictive web API interfaces. To overcome these difficulties, this paper applies a revised version of regular polygon-based search algorithm (RPSA) to …

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A scalable algorithm for maximizing range sum in spatial databases

This paper investigates the MaxRS problem in spatial databases. Given a set O of weighted points and a rectangular region r of a given size, the goal of the MaxRS problem is to find a location of r such that the sum of the weights of all the points covered by r is maximized. This problem is useful in many location-based applications such as finding …

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Clustering spatial networks for aggregate query processing: …

Range aggregate processing in spatial databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. (2004) M. Yiu et al. Reverse nearest neighbors in large graphs ... Query processing in spatial network databases, in: Proceedings of the... H. Sagan Space-filling Curves (1994) H. Samet The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures (1990) H. …

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A Scalable Algorithm for Maximizing Range Sum in …

spatial preference queries. In this paper, we solve the maximizing range sum (MaxRS) problem in spatial databases. Given a set O of weighted points (a.k.a. objects) and a rectangle r of a given size, the goal of the MaxRS problem is to find a location of r which maximizes the sum of the weights of all the objects covered by r.

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Range aggregate processing in spatial databases | IEEE …

A range aggregate query returns summarized information about the points falling in a hyper-rectangle (e.g., the total number of these points instead of their concrete ids). This paper studies spatial indexes that solve such queries efficiently and proposes the aggregate Point-tree (aP-tree), which achieves logarithmic cost to the data set …

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Efficient Approximate Range Aggregation over Large-scale Spatial …

These constraints limit the design space of distributed range aggregation query processing. In this work, we propose approximate algorithms for efficient range aggregation over spatial data federation. ... Range aggregate processing in spatial databases Author(s): Tao, Y.; Papadias, D. 2004 ; The world in a nutshell: Concise …

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